Sunday, August 17, 2008


Yes, it was the 28th celebration of our marriage. Both Lynn and Erin came by the hospital to be with Mark while we went out. We walked over to Fran's on College just west of Yonge. As we sat waiting for our meal to arrive we pondered our journey. Then we decided to try to come up with one defining event from each of our 28 years together.

There's not a chance that I'm going to publish the list, but the process was fun. It was like digging in an old shoe box of memories. As we started we weren't sure that we would be able to come up with something for each year. Then one by one we pulled out stories, but soon what was happening was that other stories were popping up. After only a few minutes we were so bogged down in stories we actually needed a pen and paper to put some order to it. Of course a list, all neat and tidy, was not the goal; we were just happy to take a stroll.

Our children have been around for most of those 28 years, each a story, an adventure and most of all a precious gift. These days the focus has been on Mark, but the truth is that each of our stories is unfolding and being woven into something special. I love the package and wouldn't have it any other way.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 28 years.

The 'Dog