Thursday, September 18, 2008

Up'n At Em!

It's Thursday morning, about 7:20, and we're just changing Mark's bed. My job is to scoop mark out of bed and sit in the chair will Linda freshens the bed.

I still remember when Mark would greet us in the morning by standing at his dutch door. Later when he slept in a tent (a safety measure) he would be kneeling when we arrived. One of the concerns I had when I designed his bed was whether the sides were high enough when he was kneeling. By the time the bed was built he wasn't even sitting up.

This morning, as I cuddle with him, he does something different, he lifts his head off my chest. When I realized what he was trying to do I sat him up in front of me. A month ago he couldn't hold his head up at all. This was exciting, I was holding his chest and back, it was like holding a three month old as they begin to discover the world around them. Then I noticed that Mark even has a little worn bald spot on the back of his head.

Mark will be fourteen in a month and we're celebrating such simple things. Who knows where this journey goes next?

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