Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bloorview Mac

That's right, Mark is at Bloorview MacMillan Kids Rehab. He's staying in the respite center. He's been there since Friday. Grampa Rumsby's wedding on Saturday would have been too much for Mark. Shoot, it was almost too much for me. Furthermore, Sanctuary Staff are away for a retreat on Monday and Tuesday, so we thought it best to have Mark in respite. In the past Mark has always gone to Safehaven for respite, but we wanted to try out Bloorview Mac.

So, Marky's room is empty. I was up there checking e-mails this afternoon. I decided to knock off for a nap. I crawled into Marks bed and just got off to sleep when suddenly the bed motor began to whirl as my head was being lifted. I lurched into action, flipping over to see what or who was the source of this aggravation. The room appeared empty. Then I looked down and saw Lynn on the floor laughing uncontrollably. I tried to go back to sleep, but there was a little to much adrenalin coursing through my system. Grrr, kids just don't understand how important those naps are.

I got up and drove Erin to the bus station. She's headed back to Brantford. Life is different without Erin around. I don't think we fully understand how different. When I stop and think about it my head goes back to the early 90's when she was just a little kid, reading a bunch of books. Actually, not much has changed.

Linda and I took Erin to see Mark in his new room. She sat in a chair, giving him a big hug. Erin misses Marky more than anything.

Mark has been doing better lately, we're hoping to get him back to school for a day a week.

Isn't it strange how life is so different from one day to the next and we still do everything we can to make it the same. My prayer for tomorrow is, "Lift the blinders of expectation, so that I may see God's abundant provision.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

My heartfelt thanks to the Rumsby family for allowing me to share a glimmer of Mark and his world through this blog.

Your words and expierences about your different journeys make my own world shimmer with joys, aha's and wow's. I so enjoy reading your entries.

Thanks again for allowing me to be included. Hugs to all. :-)

Barbara Olsen @ The Hearing Source